Azerbaijan State University of Economics

Centre of Cognitive Economics

Positive Intelligence Quotient – FREE TEST

Is your mind regularly on your side, lifting you up and helping you make the most of what you’ve got? Or is your mind regularly making you anxious, keeping you up at night, judging you, and wearing you down? To find it out and take a free test, read till the end.

Your Positive Intelligence Quotient, or “PQ”, is a measure of what percentage of time your mind is on your side.   Positive Intelligence might be one of the biggest factors for reaching your potential.  When your mind is on your side, you flourish.  When your mind works against you, you flounder.

Positivity is a skill you can build if you flex the right muscles of your mind. That’s the theory developed by the famous Stanford Alumni Shirzad Chamine. He shares compelling reasons for focusing on, measuring, and improving your Positive Intelligence.

According to Shirzad Chamine, this is a self-inflicted phenomenon caused by our mind to sabotage you. Your mind is your best friend, but it’s also your worst enemy. In his book “Positive Intelligence”, Shirzad identifies 10 different types of Saboteurs – internal enemies that express themselves through “automatic and habitual mind patterns, each with its own voice, beliefs, and assumptions that certainly work against your best interest.”

Positive Intelligence Quotient (“PQ”)

You can measure your Positive Intelligence Quotient, or PQ to get a score.  Shirzad writes:

“PQ stands for Positive Intelligence Quotient.  Your PQ is your Positive Intelligence score, expressed as a percentage, ranging from 0 to 100.  In effect, your PQ is the percentage of time your mind is acting as your friend rather than an enemy.  For example, a PQ of 75 means that your mind is acting as your friend 75 percent of the time and is in self-sabotage mode about 25 percent of the time.”

Why Positive Intelligence

Shirzad shares some compelling research results around Positive Intelligence.  Here are a few of the gems that I found to be the most useful:

  • In studies of more than 275,000 people, higher PQ leads to higher salaries and greater success in work, marriage, health, sociability, friendship, and creativity.
  • Higher-PQ workers take fewer sick days and are less likely to become burned out or quit.
  • Project teams with higher-PQ managers perform 31 percent better on average when other factors are held equal.
  • Higher PQ leads to enhanced immune system functioning, lower levels of stress-related hormones, lower blood pressure, less pain, fewer colds, better sleep, and less likelihood to have hypertension, diabetes, or strokes.

Positive Intelligence Determines Your Potential

While there are a lot of factors to your success, Positive Intelligence might be your game changer. Furthermore, Shirzad writes:

“Your potential is determined by many factors, including your cognitive intelligence (IQ), your emotional intelligence (EQ), and your skills, knowledge, experience, and social network.  But it is your Positive intelligence (PQ) that determines what percentage of your vast potential you actually achieve.”

Finally, you can check your PQ absolutely free of charge here.