Azerbaijan State University of Economics

Centre of Cognitive Economics

Seminar by the Texas A&M University

As you know, at the invitation of the UNEC Rector Professor Adalat Muradov, Mr. Samir Huseynov, the student of Texas A&M University, has been a guest at UNEC for several days and attended a number of events at our university these days. He also visited the UNEC Center for Cognitive Economics.

In addition to being a Ph.D. candidate in Agricultural Economics Department at Texas A&M University, he also works as the Senior Lab Manager at Human Behavior Lab at the same university. Besides, he is a researcher at the UNEC Center for Cognitive Economics.

At today’s UNEC event, the Director of the Russian School of Economics (RESH) of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), head of the UNEC Center for Cognitive Economics, the associate professor Mansur Barkhudarov, provided brief information on the activity of the UNEC Center for Cognitive Economics.

Introducing the guest to the academic-teaching staff, he gave the floor to Mr. Samir. During his presentation, Mr. Samir provided information on experimental economics and talked about the cognitive marketing projects that he worked on in the aforementioned laboratory. The discussion aroused great interest among students and teachers and they asked relevant questions.

It should be noted, that Samir Huseynov is a UNEC graduate. In 2004 he entered the faculty of “International Economic Relations” of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). Later he got a master’s degree from Central European University and he is currently continuing his education at Texas A&M University.