Azerbaijan State University of Economics

Centre of Cognitive Economics

Azerbaijani economy in the context of cognitive research.

On March 18, 2019, UNEC  Center for Cognitive Economics organized a scientific seminar as a part of “Month of Science”. Mansur Barkhudarov, the Director of the UNEC Russian School of Economics head of the UNEC Center for Cognitive Economics, the associate professor, help a presentation entitled “The economy of Azerbaijan in the context of cognitive research”.

Having provided the academic – teaching staff and students with the extensive information on cognitive economy, he revealed the basic concepts within the framework of this scientific field.

In his speech, the associate professor Mansur Barkhudarov explained the fundamental differences between the various areas of cognitive research and touched upon the issues regarding the transitions in diversified paradigms of economic science, as well as civilization and other aspects. Afterwards, the discussion was held on all the issues mentioned above.

The video with full information and the presentation is available for readers on the center’s website.